Sendai Nuclear Science Colloquium (No. 271)

Symmetries in alpha-conjugate nuclei and their experimental signatures

Lorenzo Fortunato


日時:2015年09月17日(木) 14:00-


1. Introduction to phenomenology of alpha-conjugate nuclei (4He, 8Be, 12C, etc.... ). 2. Status of measured properties of 4He and 8Be under the perspective of alpha-cluster models. 3. Introduction to point-group symmetries and their use in nuclear physics. 4. Algebraic cluster model (Bijker, Iachello) description of 12C. 5. Application to 12C in a three-alpha particle model: energy spectrum and other properties and what experimental signatures might be important to probe the molecular theory. *実験家向けのレクチャーとなります。 実験グループの方(特に大学院生の方)は奮ってご参加ください。